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This documentation site (rather the repository itself) is created by some of the well known and experienced community members and contains instructions/information about various guild tools which simplify various stake-ops (setting up, managing and monitoring pools) for operators. Note that the guides are present to help you simplify your tasks - but as an entity responsible for creating blocks on a financial platform, we expect some basic pre-requisite skill sets - at professional level - before entering the portal:

  • Learn about working with architecture, setup and essentials (SysOps);
  • Understand how to secure your server (SecOps);
  • Be comfortable with working with cardano-cli, and have worked on preview/preprod/guild networks for pool operations without use of wrapper scripts - as an education exercise;
  • Read the documentation and disclaimers. The guide and tools only aim to simplify your tasks, it will not try to do everything for you - neither scope best practices;
  • We recommend anyone using these instructions to use offline workflow, and NEVER have their wallet keys and pool keys to be made available to online servers, as supported by the tools.

Everyone is welcome to contribute to the repository (via documentation, testing, code, videos, etc). Our aim is to work together and reduce confusion rather than hosting 100 versions of documentation - each marketing their pool in a way.


The Telegram Support channel is used to announce new releases and changes to the code base. This is also the place to ask general questions regarding the documentation and scripts on this site.

To report bugs and issues with scripts and documentation please open a GitHub Issue.
Feature requests are best opened as a discussion thread.

Getting Started⚓︎

Use the sidebar to navigate through the topics. Note that the instructions assume the folder structure as per here.

Again, Feedback/Contribution and ownership of tasks is always welcome. If you're interested in collaborating regularly, make a start - and you should be part of the guild already 😄.