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Sample Postgres Setup

These deployment instructions used for reference while building cardano-db-sync tool, with the scope being ease of set up, and some tuning baselines for those who are new to Postgres DB. It is recommended to customise these as per your needs for Production builds.


You'd find it pretty useful to set up ZFS on your system prior to setting up Postgres, to help with your IOPs throughput requirements. You can find sample install instructions here. You can set up your entire root mount to be on ZFS, or you can opt to mount a file as ZFS on "${CNODE_HOME}"

Install PostgreSQL Server⚓︎

Execute commands below to set up Postgres Server

# Determine OS platform
OS_ID=$( (grep -i ^ID_LIKE= /etc/os-release || grep -i ^ID= /etc/os-release) | cut -d= -f 2)
DISTRO=$(grep -i ^NAME= /etc/os-release | cut -d= -f 2)

if [ -z "${OS_ID##*debian*}" ]; then
  wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -
  RELEASE=$(lsb_release -cs)
  echo "deb [arch=amd64] ${RELEASE}"-pgdg main | sudo tee  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list
  sudo apt-get update
  sudo apt-get -y install postgresql-17 postgresql-server-dev-17 postgresql-contrib libghc-hdbc-postgresql-dev
  sudo systemctl enable postgresql
  echo "We have no automated procedures for this ${DISTRO} system"

Tuning your instance⚓︎

Before you start populating your DB instance using dbsync data, now might be a good time to put some thought on to baseline configuration of your postgres instance by editing /etc/postgresql/17/main/postgresql.conf. Typically, you might find a lot of common standard practices parameters available in tuning guides. For our consideration, it would be nice to start with some baselines - for which we will use inputs from example here, which would need to be customised further to your environment and resources.

In a typical Koios [gRest] setup, we use below for minimum viable specs (i.e. 64GB RAM, > 8 CPUs, >16K IOPs for ioping -q -S512M -L -c 10 -s8k . output when postgres data directory is on ZFS configured with max arc of 4GB), we find the below configuration to be the best common setup:

Parameter Value Comment
data_directory '/opt/cardano/cnode/guild-db/pgdb/17' Move postgres data directory to ZFS mount at /opt/cardano/cnode, ensure it's writable by postgres user
effective_cache_size 8GB Be conservative as Node and DBSync by themselves will need ~32-40GB of RAM if ledger-state is enabled
effective_io_concurrency 4 Can go higher if you have substantially higher IOPs/IO throughputs
lc_time 'en_US.UTF-8' Just to use standard server-side time formatting between instances, can adapt to your preferences
log_timezone 'UTC' For consistency, to avoid timezone confusions
maintenance_work_mem 512MB Helps with vacuum/index/foreign key maintainance (with 4 workers, it's set to max 2GB)
max_connections 200 Allow maximum of 200 connections, the koios connections are still controlled via postgrest db-pool
max_parallel_maintenance_workers 4 Max workers postgres will use for maintainance
max_parallel_workers 4 Max workers postgres will use across the system
max_parallel_workers_per_gather 2 Parallel threads per query, do not increase to higher values as it will multiply memory usage
max_wal_size 4GB Used for WAL automatic checkpoints (disabled later)
max_worker_processes 4 Maximum number of background processes system can support
min_wal_size 1GB Used for WAL automatic checkpoints (disabled later)
random_page_cost 1.1 Use higher value if IOPs has trouble catching up (you can use 4 instead of 1.1)
shared_buffers 4GB Conservative limit to allow for node/dbsync/zfs memory usage
timezone 'UTC' For consistency, to avoid timezone confusions
wal_buffers 16MB WAL consumption in shared buffer (disabled later)
work_mem 16MB Base memory size before writing to temporary disk files

In addition to above, due to the nature of usage by dbsync (synching from node and restart traversing back to last saved ledger-state snapshot), we leverage data retention on blockchain - as we're not affected by loss of volatile information upon a restart of instance. Thus, we can relax some of the data retention and protection against corruption related settings, as those are IOPs/CPU Load Average impacts that the instance does not need to spend. We'd recommend setting 3 of those below in your /etc/postgresql/17/main/postgresql.conf:

Parameter Value
wal_level minimal
max_wal_senders 0
synchronous_commit off

Once your changes are done, ensure to restart postgres service using sudo systemctl restart postgresql.

Create User in Postgres⚓︎

Login to Postgres instance as superuser:

echo $(whoami)
# <user>
sudo su postgres

Note the returned as the output of echo $(whoami) command. Replace all instance of in the documentation below. Execute the below in psql prompt. Replace and PasswordYouWant with your OS user (output of echo $(whoami) command executed above) and a password you'd like to authenticate to Postgres with:

Type exit at shell to return to your user from postgres

Verify Login to postgres instance⚓︎

export PGPASSFILE=$CNODE_HOME/priv/.pgpass
echo "/var/run/postgresql:5432:cexplorer:*:*" > $PGPASSFILE
chmod 0600 $PGPASSFILE
psql postgres
# psql (17.0)
# Type "help" for help.
# postgres=#