Common Tasks


Familiarize yourself with the Online workflow of creating wallets and pools on the Preview/Preprod/Guild network first. You can then move on to test the Offline Workflow. The Offline workflow means that the private keys never touch the Online node. When comfortable with both the online and offline CNTools workflow, it's time to deploy what you learnt on the mainnet.

This chapter describes some common use-cases for wallet and pool creation when running CNTools in Online mode. CNTools contains much more functionality not described here.

A wallet is needed for pledge and to pay for pool registration fee.

  1. Choose [w] Wallet and you will be presented with the following menu:
     >> WALLET
     Wallet Management
     ) New         - create a new wallet
     ) Import      - import a Daedalus/Yoroi 24/25 mnemonic or Ledger/Trezor HW wallet
     ) Register    - register a wallet on chain
     ) De-Register - De-Register (retire) a registered wallet
     ) List        - list all available wallets in a compact view
     ) Show        - show detailed view of a specific wallet
     ) Remove      - remove a wallet
     ) Decrypt     - remove write protection and decrypt wallet
     ) Encrypt     - encrypt wallet keys and make all files immutable
     Select Wallet Operation
      [n] New
      [i] Import
      [r] Register
      [z] De-Register
      [l] List
      [s] Show
      [x] Remove
      [d] Decrypt
      [e] Encrypt
      [h] Home
  2. Choose [n] New to create a new wallet. [i] Import can also be used to import a Daedalus/Yoroi based 15 or 24 word wallet seed
  3. Give the wallet a name
  4. CNTools will give you the wallet address. For example:
     >> WALLET >> NEW
    Name of new wallet: Test
    New Wallet         : Test
    Address            : addr_test1qpq5qjr774cyc6kxcwp060k4t4hwp42q43v35lmcg3gcycu5uwdwld5yr8m8fgn7su955zf5qahtrgljqfjfa4nr8jfsj4alxk
    Enterprise Address : addr_test1vpq5qjr774cyc6kxcwp060k4t4hwp42q43v35lmcg3gcyccuxhdka
    You can now send and receive Ada using the above addresses.
    Note that Enterprise Address will not take part in staking.
    Wallet will be automatically registered on chain if you
    choose to delegate or pledge wallet when registering a stake pool.
  5. Send some money to this wallet. Either through the faucet or have a friend send you some.
  • The wallet must have funds in it before you can proceed.
  • The Wallet created from here is not derived from mnemonics, please use next tab if you'd like to use a wallet that can also be accessed from Daedalus/Yoroi

The Import feature of CNTools is originally based on this guide from Ilap.

If you would like to use Import function to import a Daedalus/Yoroi based 15 or 24 word wallet seed, please ensure that cardano-address and bech32 bineries are available in your $PATH environment variable:

bech32 --version

cardano-address --version

If the version is not as per above, please run the latest from here and rebuild cardano-node as instructed here.

To import a Daedalus/Yoroi wallet to CNTools, open CNTools and select the [w] Wallet option, and then select the [i] Import, the following menu will appear:

 Wallet Import

 ) Mnemonic  - Daedalus/Yoroi 24 or 25 word mnemonic
 ) HW Wallet - Ledger/Trezor hardware wallet
 Select Wallet operation

  [m] Mnemonic
  [w] HW Wallet
  [h] Home


You can import Hardware wallet using [w] HW Wallet above, but please note that before you are able to use hardware wallet in CNTools, you need to ensure you can detect your hardware device at OS level using cardano-hw-cli

Select the wallet you want to import, for Daedalus / Yoroi wallets select [m] Mnemonic:


Name of imported wallet: TEST

24 or 15 word mnemonic(space separated):
Give your wallet a name (in this case 'TEST'), and enter your mnemonic phrase. Please ensure that you **READ* through the complete notes presented by CNTools before proceeding.

Create the necessary pool keys.

  1. From the main menu select [p] Pool
     >> POOL
     Pool Management
     ) New      - create a new pool
     ) Register - register created pool on chain using a stake wallet (pledge wallet)
     ) Modify   - change pool parameters and register updated pool values on chain
     ) Retire   - de-register stake pool from chain in specified epoch
     ) List     - a compact list view of available local pools
     ) Show     - detailed view of specified pool
     ) Rotate   - rotate pool KES keys
     ) Decrypt  - remove write protection and decrypt pool
     ) Encrypt  - encrypt pool cold keys and make all files immutable
     Select Pool Operation
      [n] New
      [r] Register
      [m] Modify
      [x] Retire
      [l] List
      [s] Show
      [o] Rotate
      [d] Decrypt
      [e] Encrypt
      [h] Home
  2. Select [n] New to create a new pool
  3. Give the pool a name. In our case, we call it TEST. The result should look something like this:
     >> POOL >> NEW
    Pool Name: TEST
    Pool: TEST
    ID (hex)    : 8d5a3510f18ce241115da38a1b2419ed82d308599c16e98caea1b4c0
    ID (bech32) : pool134dr2y833n3yzy2a5w9pkfqeakpdxzzenstwnr9w5x6vqtnclue

Register the pool on-chain.

  1. From the main menu select [p] Pool
  2. Select [r] Register
  3. Select the pool you just created
  4. CNTools will give you prompts to set pledge, margin, cost, metadata, and relays. Enter values that are useful to you.

Make sure you set your pledge low enough to insure your funds in your wallet will cover pledge plus pool registration fees.

  1. Select wallet to use as pledge wallet, Test in our case. As this is a newly created wallet, you will be prompted to continue with wallet registration. When complete and if successful, both wallet and pool will be registered on-chain.

It will look something like this:


Online mode  -  The default mode to use if all keys are available

Hybrid mode  -  1) Go through the steps to build a transaction file
                2) Copy the built tx file to an offline node
                3) Sign it using 'Sign Tx' with keys on offline node
                   (CNTools started in offline mode '-o' without node connection)
                4) Copy the signed tx file back to the online node and submit using 'Submit Tx'

Selected value: [o] Online

# Select pool
Selected pool: TEST

# Pool Parameters
press enter to use default value

Pledge (in Ada, default: 50,000):
Margin (in %, default: 7.5):
Cost (in Ada, minimum: 340, default: 340):

# Pool Metadata

Enter Pool's JSON URL to host metadata file - URL length should be less than 64 chars (default: https://foo.bat/poolmeta.json):

Enter Pool's Name (default: TEST):
Enter Pool's Ticker , should be between 3-5 characters (default: TEST):
Enter Pool's Description (default: No Description):
Enter Pool's Homepage (default:

Optionally set an extended metadata URL?
Selected value: [n] No
  "name": "TEST",
  "ticker": "TEST",
  "description": "No Description",
  "homepage": "",
  "nonce": "1613146429"

Please host file /opt/cardano/guild/priv/pool/TEST/poolmeta.json as-is at https://foo.bat/poolmeta.json

# Pool Relay Registration
Selected value: [d] A or AAAA DNS record (single)
Enter relays's DNS record, only A or AAAA DNS records:
Enter relays's port: 6000
Add more relay entries?
Selected value: [n] No

# Select main owner/pledge wallet (normal CLI wallet)
Selected wallet: Test (100,000.000000 Ada)
Wallet Test3 not registered on chain

Waiting for new block to be created (timeout = 600 slots, 600s)
INFO: press any key to cancel and return (won't stop transaction)

Owner #1 : Test added!

Register a multi-owner pool (you need to have stake.vkey of any additional owner in a seperate wallet folder under $CNODE_HOME/priv/wallet)?
Selected value: [n] No

Use a separate rewards wallet from main owner?
Selected value: [n] No

Waiting for new block to be created (timeout = 600 slots, 600s)
INFO: press any key to cancel and return (won't stop transaction)

Pool TEST successfully registered!
Owner #1      : Test
Reward Wallet : Test
Pledge        : 50,000 Ada
Margin        : 7.5 %
Cost          : 340 Ada

Uncomment and set value for POOL_NAME in ./env with 'TEST'

INFO: Total balance in 1 owner/pledge wallet(s) are: 99,497.996518 Ada

  1. As mentioned in the above output: Uncomment and set value for POOL_NAME in ./env with 'TEST' (in our case, the POOL_NAME is TEST). The script will automatically detect whether the files required to run as a block producing node are present in the $CNODE_HOME/priv/pool/<POOL_NAME> directory.

The node runs with an operational certificate, generated using the KES hot key. For security reasons, the protocol asks to re-generate (or rotate) your KES key once reaching expiry. On mainnet, this expiry is in 62 cycles of 18 hours (thus, to ask for rotation quarterly), after which your node will not be able to forge valid blocks unless rotated. To be able to rotate KES keys, your cold keys files (cold.skey, cold.vkey and cold.counter) need to be present on the machine where you run CNTools to rotate your KES key.

  1. To Rotate KES keys and generate the operational certificate - op.cert.

  2. From the main menu select [p] Pool

  3. Select [o] Rotate
  4. Select the pool you just created

The output should look like:


Select pool to rotate KES keys on
Selected pool: TEST

Pool KES keys successfully updated
New KES start period  : 240
KES keys will expire  : 302 - 2021-09-04 11:24:31 UTC

Restart your pool node for changes to take effect

press any key to return to home menu
  1. Start or restart your cardano-node. If deployed as a systemd service as shown here, you can run sudo systemctl restart cnode.
  2. Ensure the node is running as a block producing (core) node.

You can use gLiveView - the output at the top should say > Cardano Node - (Core - Guild).

Alternatively, you can check the node logs in $CNODE_HOME/logs/ to see whether the node is performing leadership checks (TraceStartLeadershipCheck, TraceNodeIsNotLeader, etc.)