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Client is a script to manage the Mithril client, a tool used to set up the Mithril client environment and manage downloading Mithril snapshots and stake distributions. The main features include:

  • environment - Creates a new mithril.env file with all the necessary environment variables for the Mithril client.
  • cardano-db - Download, list all or show a specific available Mithril snapshot.
  • stake-distribution - Download or list available Mithril stake distributions.
  • -u - Skip script update check.


Usage: [-u] <command> <subcommand> [<sub arg>]
A script to run Cardano Mithril Client

-u          Skip script update check overriding UPDATE_CHECK value in env (must be first argument to script)

environment           Manage mithril environment file
  setup               Setup mithril environment file
  override            Override default variable in the mithril environment file
  update              Update mithril environment file
cardano-db            Interact with Cardano DB
  download            Download Cardano DB from Mithril snapshot
  snapshot            Interact with Mithril snapshots
    list              List available Mithril snapshots
      json            List availble Mithril snapshots in JSON format
    show              Show details of a Mithril snapshot
      json            Show details of a Mithril snapshot in JSON format
stake-distribution    Interact with Mithril stake distributions
  download            Download latest stake distribution
  list                List available stake distributions
    json              Output latest Mithril snapshot in JSON format

Preparing a Relay or Block Producer Node⚓︎

To prepare a relay or block producer node, you should follow these steps:

  1. Create the Mithril environment file: Run the script with the environment setup command. This will create a new mithril.env file with all the necessary environment variables for the Mithril client.
./ environment setup
  1. Download the latest Mithril snapshot: Once the environment file is set up, you can download the latest Mithril snapshot by running the script with the snapshot download command. This snapshot contains the latest state of the Cardano blockchain db from a Mithril Aggregator.
./ cardano-db download

Investigating Available Snapshots⚓︎

You can investigate the available snapshots by using the snapshot list and snapshot show commands:

  • List all available Mithril snapshots: You can list all available Mithril snapshots by running the script with the snapshot list command. Add json at the end to get the output in JSON format.
./ cardano-db snapshot list
./ cardano-db snapshot list json
  • Show details of a specific Mithril snapshot: You can show details of a specific Mithril snapshot by running the script with the snapshot show <DIGEST> command, where <DIGEST> is the digest of the snapshot. Add json at the end to get the output in JSON format.
./ cardano-db snapshot show <DIGEST>
./ cardano-db snapshot show <DIGEST> json

Managing Stake Distributions⚓︎

You can manage stake distributions by using the stake-distribution download and stake-distribution list commands:

  • Download the latest Mithril stake distribution: You can download the latest Mithril stake distribution by running the script with the stake-distribution download command.
./ stake-distribution download
  • List all available Mithril stake distributions: You can list all available Mithril stake distributions by running the script with the stake-distribution list command. Add json at the end to get the output in JSON format.
./ stake-distribution list
./ stake-distribution list json