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Koios gRest Changelog⚓︎

[1.1.0] - For all networks.⚓︎

This will be first major [breaking] release for Koios consumers in a while, and will be rolled out under new base prefix (/api/v1). The major work with this release was to start making use of newer flags in dbsync which help performance of queries under new endpoints. Please ensure to check out the release notes for 1.1.0rc below. The list for this section is only a small addendum to 1.1.0rc:


  • Make use of asset-txo-cache for top assets on mainnet, and use this cache for asset_addresses and policy_asset_addresses #250
  • Add v0 RPC redirectors to keep serve v0 endpoints from v1 #250
  • Convert few simple RPC functions from PLPGSQL to SQL language to help with inline filtering #250
  • Address linting results from SQLFluff #250
  • Move db-scripts from guild-operators repository to koios-artifacts repository #250
  • Drop stale db-scripts/genesis_table.sql file #250
  • Add 3 additional indexes for collateral and reference inputs based on query times #250
  • Add top 3 assets for preview/preprod to asset-txo-cache #250
  • Bump schema version for koios-1.1.0 #250
  • Minor patch for output data type (pool_registrations and pool_retirements) #249

[1.1.0rc] - For all networks.⚓︎

This will be first major [breaking] release for Koios consumers in a while, and will be rolled out under new base prefix (/api/v1). The major work with this release was to start making use of newer flags in dbsync which help performance of queries under new endpoints. Also, you'd see quite a few new endpoint additions below, that'd be helping out with slightly lighter version of queries. To keep migration paths easier, we will ensure both v0 and v1 versions of the release is up for a month post release, before retiring v0.

New endpoints added:⚓︎

  • /pool_registrations - List of all pool registrations initiated in the requested epoch #239
  • /pool_retirements - List of all pool retirements initiated in the requested epoch #239
  • /treasury_withdrawals - List of withdrawals made from treasury #239
  • /reserve_withdrawals - List of withdrawals made from reserves (MIRs) #239
  • /account_txs - Transactions associated with a given stake address #239
  • /address_utxos - Get UTxO details for requested addresses #239
  • /asset_utxos - Get UTxO details for requested assets #239
  • /script_utxos - Get UTxO details for requested script hashes #239
  • /utxo_info - Details for requested UTxO arrays #239
  • /script_info - Information about a given script FROM script hashes #239
  • /ogmios/ - Expose stateless ogmios endpoints #1690

Data Input/Output Changes:⚓︎

  • Input - /account_utxos , /credential_utxos - Accept extended as an additional flag - which enables asset_list, reference_script and inline_datum to the output #239
  • Output - /block_txs - Flatten output with transaction details (tx_hash, epoch_no, block_height, block_time) instead of tx_hashes array #239
  • Output - /epoch_params - Update cost_models to JSON (upstream change in node) #239
  • Output - /account_assets , /address_assets - Flatten the output result (instead of asset_list array) making it easier to apply horizontal filtering based on any of the fields
  • Output - Align output fields for /account_utxos , /address_utxos, /asset_utxos , /script_utxos and /utxo_info to return same schema giving complete details about UTxOs involved, with few fields toggled based on extended input flag #239
  • Output - /pool_list - Add various details to the endpoint for each pool (pool_id_hex,active_epoch_no,margin,fixed_cost,pledge,reward_addr,owners,relays,ticker,meta_url,meta_hash,pool_status,retiring_epoch) - this should mean some of the requests to pool_info should no longer be required #239
  • Output - /pool_updates - In v0, pool_updates only provided pool registration updates, while pool_status corresponded to current status of pool. With v1, we will have registration as well as deregistration transactions, and each transaction will have update_type (enum of either registration or deregistration) instead of pool_status. As a side-effect, since a registration transaction only has retiring_epoch as metadata, all the other fields will show up as null for such a transaction #239
  • Output - /pool_metadata , /pool_relays - Add pool_status field to denote whether pool is retired #239
  • Output - /datum_info - Rename hash to datum_hash and add creation_tx_hash #239
  • Output - /native_script_list - Remove script column (as it has pretty large output better queried against script_info), add size and change type to text #239
  • Output - /plutus_script_list - Add type and size to output #239
  • Output - /asset_info - Add cip68_metadata JSONB field #239
  • Output - /pool_history - Add member_rewards #225


  • /tx_utxos - No longer required as replaced by /utxo_info #239


  • Update base version to v1 from v0 #1690
  • Allow Bearer Authentication against endpoints #239
  • Cron job to apply corrections to epoch info #239
  • epoch_info_cache Remove protocol parameters, as they can be queried from live table. Accordingly update dependent queries #239
  • Make use of new consumed_by_tx_in_id column in tx_out from dbsync across endpoints #239
  • Fix _last_active_stake_validated_epoch in active_stake_cache #222
  • Typo for pool_history_cache.sql as well as add a check to ensure epoch_info_cache has run at least once prior to pool_history_cache #223
  • Move control_table entry in cache tables to the end (instead of start) #226
  • Fix Asset Info Cache (include mint/burn tx rather than sum for meta consideration) #226
  • Update SQLs as per SQLFluff linting guidelines #226
  • Fix for tip check in cron jobs #217
  • Update cron jobs to exit if the database has not received block in 5 mins #200
  • Update active stake cache to use control table #196
  • Update Asset Info Cache entry whenever asset registry cache has an update #194
  • Bump up margin for tx rollback lookup for asset_info_cache to 1000 , as 100 is too small a margin for 2-3 blocks , which can contain more than 100 transactions (of which if oldest transaction contains a mint, it will not get into the cache) #177
  • Swap grestrpcs file to list exceptions and treat everything else as RPC #1690
  • Update to have stricter spec validation and add health check for asset_registry #1690
  • Update to include latest pre-release for ogmios #1690

[1.0.10] - For all networks.⚓︎

The release is effectively same as 1.0.10rc except with one minor modification below.


  • Replace all RPC references for JSON endpoints with JSONB, this allows filtering child members of array elements using cs.[{"key":"value"}] in PostgREST #172

[1.0.10rc] - For non-mainnet networks⚓︎

This release primarily focuses on ability to support better DeFi projects alongwith some value addition for existing clients by bringing in 10 new endpoints (paired with 2 deprecations), and few additional optional input parameters , and some additional output columns to existing endpoints. The only breaking change/fix is for output returned for tx_info.

Also, dbsync 13.1.x.x has been released and is recommended to be used for this release

New endpoints added⚓︎

  • /asset_addresses - Equivalent of deprecated /asset_address_list #149
  • /asset_nft_address - Returns address where the specified NFT sits on #149
  • /account_utxos - Returns brief details on non-empty UTxOs associated with a given stake address #149
  • /asset_info_bulk - Bulk version of /asset_info #142
  • /asset_token_registry - Returns assets registered via token registry on github #145
  • /credential_utxos - Returns UTxOs associated with a payment credential #149
  • /param_updates - Returns list of parameter update proposals applied to the network #149
  • /policy_asset_addresses - Returns addresses with quantity for each asset on a given policy #149
  • /policy_asset_info - Equivalent of deprecated /asset_policy_info but with more details in output #149
  • /policy_asset_list - Returns list of asset under the given policy (including supply) #142, #149

Data Input/Output Changes⚓︎

  • Input - /account_addresses - Add optional _first_only and _empty flags to show only first address with tx or to include empty addresses to output #149
  • Input - /epoch_info - Add optional _include_next_epoch field to show next epoch stats if available (eg: nonce, active stake) #143
  • Output (addition) - /account_assets , /address_assets , /address_info, /tx_info, /tx_utxos - Add decimals to output #142
  • Output (addition) - /policy_asset_info - Add minting_tx_hash, total_supply, mint_cnt, burn_cnt and creation_time fields to the output #149
  • Output (breaking) - /tx_info - Change _invalid_before and _invalid_after to text field #141
  • Output (breaking/removal) - tx_info - Remove the field plutus_contracts > [array] > outputs as there is no logic to connect it to inputs spending #163


  • /asset_address_list - Renamed to asset_addresses keeping naming line with other endpoints (old one still present, but will be deprecated in future release) #149
  • /asset_policy_info - Renamed to policy_asset_info keeping naming line with other endpoints (old one still present, but will be deprecated in future release) #149


  • /epoch_info, /epoch_params - Restrict output to current epoch #149
  • /block_info - Use /previous_id field to show previous/next blocks (previously was using block_id/height) #145
  • /asset_info/asset_policy_info - Fix mint tx data to be latest #141
  • Support new guild scripts revamp #1572
  • Add asset token registry check 1606
  • New cache table grest.asset_info_cache to hold mint/burn counts alongwith first/last mint tx/keys #142
  • Bump to Koios 1.0.10rc #149
  • Fix typo in specs for /pool_delegators output column latest_delegation_tx_hash #149
  • Add indexes for ones missing after configuring cardano-db-sync #149
  • Update PostgREST to be run as authenticator user, whose default statement_timeout is set to 65s and update configs accordingly #1606

[1.0.9] - For all networks⚓︎

This release is effectively same as 1.0.9rc below (please check out the notes accordingly), just with minor bug fix on itself.

[1.0.9rc] - For non-mainnet networks⚓︎

This release candidate is non-breaking for existing methods and inputs, but breaking for output objects for endpoints. The aim with release candidate version is to allow folks couple of weeks to test, adapt their libraries before applying to mainnet.

New endpoints added⚓︎

  • datum_info - List of datum information for given datum hashes
  • account_info_cached - Same as account_info, but serves cached information instead of live one

Data Input/Output changes⚓︎

  • address_info, address_assets, account_assets, tx_info, asset_list asset_summary to align output asset_list object to return array of policy_id, asset_name, fingerprint (and quantity, minting_txs where applicable) #120
  • asset_history - Fix metadata to wrap in array to refer to right object #122
  • asset_txs - Add optional boolean parameter _history (default: false) to toggle between querying current UTxO set vs entire history for asset #122
  • pool_history - fixed_cost, pool_fees, deleg_rewards, epoch_ros will be returned as 0 when null #122
  • tx_info - plutus_contracts->outputs can be null #122

Changes for Instance Providers⚓︎

  • SQL queries have been moved from guild-operators repository to koios-artifacts repository. This is to ensure that the updates made to scripts and other tooling do not have a dependency on Koios query versioning #122
  • block_info - Use block_no instead of id to check for previous/next block hash #122
  • Add topology for preprod and preview networks #122

[1.0.8] - For all networks⚓︎

This release is contains minor bug-fixes that were discovered in koios-1.0.7. No major changes to output for this one.

Changes for API⚓︎

New endpoints added⚓︎

  • None

Data Input/Output changes⚓︎

  • tx_info and tx_metadata - Align metadata for JSON output format #1542
  • blocks - Query Output aligned to specs (epoch => epoch_no)
  • epoch_block_protocols - [ ** Specs only ** ] Fix Documentation schema , which was accidentally showing wrong output
  • pool_delegators_history - List all epochs instead of current, if no _epoch_no is specified #1545

Changes for Instance Providers⚓︎

  • asset_info - Fix metadata aggregaton for minting transactions with multiple metadata keys #1543
  • stake_distribution_new_accounts - Leftover reference for account_info which now accepts array, resulted in error to populate stake distribution cache for new accounts #1541
  • - Remove query view section from polling script, and remove grestrpcs re-creation per hour (it's already updated when is run) , in preparation for #1545

[1.0.7] - For all networks⚓︎

This release continues updates from koios-1.0.6 to further utilise stake-snapshot cache tables which would be useful for SPOs as well as reduce downtime post epoch transition. One largely requested feature to accept bulk inputs for many block/address/account endpoints is now complete. Additionally, koios instance providers are now recommended to use cardano-node 1.35.3 with dbsync 13.0.5.

Changes for API⚓︎

New endpoints added⚓︎

  • pool_delegators_history - Provides historical record for pool's delegators #1486
  • pool_stake_snapshot - Provides mark, set and go snapshot values for pool being queried. #1489

Data Input/Output changes⚓︎

  • pool_delegators - No longer accepts _epoch_no as parameter, as it only returns live delegators. Additionally provides latest_delegation_hash in output. #1486
  • tx_info - epoch => epoch_no #1494
  • tx_info - Change collateral_outputs (array) to collateral_output (object) as collateral output is only singular in current implementation #1496
  • address_info - Add inline_datum and reference_script to output #1500
  • pool_info - Add sigma field to output #1511
  • pool_updates - Add historical metadata information to output #1503
  • Change block/address/account endpoints to accept bulk input where applicable. This resulted in GET requests changing to POST accepting payload of multiple blocks, addresses or accounts for respective endpoints as input (eg: _stake_address text becomes _stake_addresses text[]). The additional changes in output as below:
  • block_txs - Now returns block_hash and array of tx_hashes
  • address_info - Additional field address returned in output
  • address_assets - Now returns address and an array of assets JSON
  • account_addresses - Accepts stake_addresses array and outputs stake_address and array of addresses
  • account_assets - Accepts stake_addresses array and outputs stake_address and array of assets JSON
  • account_history - Accepts stake_addresses array alongwith epoch_no integer and outputs stake_address and array of history JSON
  • account_info - Accepts stake_addresses array and returns additional field stake_address to output
  • account_rewards - Now returns stake_address and an array of rewards JSON
  • account_updates - Now returns stake_address and an array of updates JSON
  • asset_info - Change minting_tx_metadata from array to object #1533
  • account_addresses - Sort results by oldest address first #1538

Changes for Instance Providers⚓︎

  • epoch_info_cache - Only update last_tx_id of previous epoch on epoch transition #1490 and #1502
  • epoch_info_cache / stake_snapshot_cache - Store total snapshot stake to epoch stake cache, and active pool stake to stake snapshot cache #1485

[1.0.6/1.0.6m] - Interim release for all networks to upgrade to dbsync v13⚓︎

The backlog of items not being added to mainnet has been increasing due to delays with Vasil HFC event to Mainnet. As such we had to come up with a split update approach. The mainnet nodes are still not qualified to be Vasil-ready (in our opinion) for 1.35.x , but dbsync 13 can be used against node 1.34.1 fine. In order to cater for this split, we have added an intermediate koios-1.0.6m tag that brings dbsync updates while maintaining node-1.34.1.

Changes for API⚓︎

Data Output Changes⚓︎

  • pool_delegators - epoch_no => active_epoch_no #1454
  • asset_history - Add block_time and metadata fields for all previous mint transactions #1468
  • asset_info - Retain latest mint transaction instead of first (in line with most CIPs as well as pool metadata - latest valid meta being live) #1468
  • Ensure all output date formats is integer to keep in line with UNIX timestamps - to be revised in future if/when there are milliseconds #1460
  • /tip , /blocks, /block_info => block_time
  • /genesis => systemStart
  • /epoch_info => start_time, first_block_time, last_block_time, end_time
  • /tx_info => tx_timestamp
  • /asset_info => creation_time
  • tx_info - Add Vasil data #1464
  • collaterals => collateral_inputs
  • Add collateral_outputs, reference_inputs to tx_info
  • Add datum_hash, inline_datum, reference_script to collateral input/outputs, reference inputs & inputs/outputs JSON.
  • Add complete cost_model instead of cost_model_id reference
  • epoch_params - Update leftover lovelace references to text for consistency: #1484
  • key_deposit
  • pool_deposit
  • min_utxo_value
  • min_pool_cost
  • coins_per_utxo_size

Changes for Instance Providers⚓︎

  • - Add active/idle connections to database #1459
  • Bump haproxy to 2.6.1 and set default value of API_STRUCT_DEFINITION to be dependent on network used. #1450
  • Lighten grest.account_active_stake_cache - optimise code and delete historical view (beyond 4 epochs). [#1451(
  • tx_metalabels - Move metalabels from view to RPC using lose indexscan (much better performance) #1474
  • Major re-work to artificially add last epoch's active stake cache data (brings in latest snapshot information without depending on node), not used in endpoints for this release #1452
  • grest.stake_snapshot_cache - Fix rewards for new accounts #1476

[1.0.5] - alpha networks only⚓︎

Since there have been a few deviations wrt Vasil for testnet and mainnet, this version only targets networks except Mainnet!

Changes for API⚓︎

Data Output Changes⚓︎

  • /epoch_info - Add total_rewards and avg_block_reward for a given epoch #43
  • Update all date output formats to return UNIX timestamp (as per poll held in discussions group): #45
  • /tip , /blocks, /block_info => block_time
  • /genesis => systemStart
  • /epoch_info => start_time, first_block_time, last_block_time, end_time
  • /tx_info => tx_timestamp
  • /asset_info => creation_time
  • /blocks, /block_info => Add proto_major and proto_minor for a given block to output #55

Changes for Instance Providers⚓︎

  • For consistency between date formats, we highly recommend you to upgrade your instance to use Postgres 14 (prolly a good time, since you would already need to recreate DB for dbsync v13). You can find sample instructions to do so here
  • Various changes to backend scripts and performance optimisations that can be found here


  • Modify script to rely on commit hash instead of POSIX timestamps, and performance bump. #1428


  • First Production release for Koios gRest


Changes for API⚓︎

Data Output Changes⚓︎

  • Improve: Add epoch_no, block_no to /address_txs, /credential_txs and /asset_txs endpoints. #1409
  • Fix: Remove redundant policy_info for /asset_txs, returning transactions as an array - allows for leveraging native PostgREST filtering. #1409
  • Fix: Pool Metadata sorting was incorrect for /pool_info. #1414

Input Parameter Changes⚓︎

  • None

Changes for Instance Providers⚓︎


  • Add versioning. When running against a branch/tag, it will now populate the version information on control table, the health checks will be able to use this versioning for downstream connections. #1403


  • Delete token token-registry folder when running with -r (reset flag), as the delta registry records to insert depends on file (POSIX) timestamps. #1410
  • Remove duplicate tip check in

[1.0.0-rc0] - 2022-04-29⚓︎

  • Initial Release Candidate for Koios gRest API layer with 43 endpoints to query the chain.