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Reminder !!

Ensure the Pre-Requisites are in place before you proceed. is a script to download and deploy CNCLI created and maintained by Andrew Westberg. It's a community-based CLI tool written in RUST for low-level cardano-node communication. Usage is optional and no script is dependent on it. The main features include:

  • PING - Validates that the remote server is on the given network and returns its response time. Utilized by gLiveView for peer analysis if available.
  • SYNC - Connects to a node (local or remote) and synchronizes blocks to a local sqlite database.
  • VALIDATE - Validates that a block hash or partial block hash is on-chain.
  • LEADERLOG - Calculates a stakepool's expected slot list. On the mainnet and the official testnet, the next epoch's leader schedule is available 1.5 days before the end of the epoch (firstSlotOfNextEpoch - (3 * k / f)).
  • SENDTIP - Send node tip to PoolTool for network analysis and to show that your node is alive and well with a green badge.
  • SENDSLOTS - Securely sends PoolTool the number of slots you have assigned for an epoch and validates the correctness of your past epochs.

Installation⚓︎ script's main functions, sync, leaderlog, validate and PoolTool sendslots/sendtip are not meant to be run manually, but instead deployed as systemd services that run in the background to do the block scraping and validation automatically. Additional commands exist for manual execution to initiate the sqlite db, filling the blocklog DB with all blocks created by the pool known to the blockchain, migration of old cntoolsBlockCollector JSON blocklog, and re-validation of blocks and leaderlogs. See usage output below for a complete list of available commands.

The script works in tandem with Log Monitor to provide faster adopted status but mainly to catch slots the node is leader for but are unable to create a block for. These are marked as invalid. Blocklog will however work fine without the logMonitor service and CNCLI is able to handle everything except catching invalid blocks.

  1. Run the latest version of with -s c to download and install RUST and CNCLI. IOG fork of libsodium required by CNCLI is automatically compiled by CNCLI build process. If a previous installation is found, RUST and CNCLI will be updated to the latest version.
  2. Run to deploy the systemd services that handle all the work in the background. Six systemd services in total are deployed whereof four are related to CNCLI. See above for the different purposes they serve.
  3. If you want to disable some of the deployed services, run sudo systemctl disable <service>

  4. cnode.service (main cardano-node launcher)

  5. cnode-cncli-sync.service
  6. cnode-cncli-leaderlog.service
  7. cnode-cncli-validate.service
  8. cnode-cncli-ptsendtip.service
  9. cnode-cncli-ptsendslots.service
  10. cnode-logmonitor.service (see Log Monitor)


You can override the values in the script at the User Variables section shown below. POOL_ID, POOL_VRF_SKEY and POOL_VRF_VKEY should automatically be detected if POOL_NAME is set in the common env file and can be left commented. PT_API_KEY and POOL_TICKER need to be set in the script if PoolTool sendtip/sendslots are to be used before starting the services. For the rest of the commented values, if the defaults do not provide the right values, uncomment and make adjustments.

#POOL_ID=""                               # Automatically detected if POOL_NAME is set in env. Required for leaderlog calculation & pooltool sendtip, lower-case hex pool id
#POOL_VRF_SKEY=""                         # Automatically detected if POOL_NAME is set in env. Required for leaderlog calculation, path to pool's vrf.skey file
#POOL_VRF_VKEY=""                         # Automatically detected if POOL_NAME is set in env. Required for block validation, path to pool's vrf.vkey file
#PT_API_KEY=""                            # POOLTOOL sendtip: set API key, e.g "a47811d3-0008-4ecd-9f3e-9c22bdb7c82d"
#POOL_TICKER=""                           # POOLTOOL sendtip: set the pools ticker, e.g. "TCKR"
#PT_HOST=""                      # POOLTOOL sendtip: connect to a remote node, preferably block producer (default localhost)
#PT_PORT="${CNODE_PORT}"                  # POOLTOOL sendtip: port of node to connect to (default is CNODE_PORT from the env file)
#CNCLI_DIR="${CNODE_HOME}/guild-db/cncli" # path to the directory for cncli sqlite db
#SLEEP_RATE=60                            # CNCLI leaderlog/validate: time to wait until next check (in seconds)
#CONFIRM_SLOT_CNT=600                     # CNCLI validate: require at least these many slots to have passed before validating
#CONFIRM_BLOCK_CNT=15                     # CNCLI validate: require at least these many blocks on top of minted before validating
#TIMEOUT_LEDGER_STATE=300                 # CNCLI leaderlog: timeout in seconds for ledger-state query
#BATCH_AUTO_UPDATE=N                      # Set to Y to automatically update the script if a new version is available without user interaction


Services are controlled by sudo systemctl <status|start|stop|restart> <service name>
All services are configured as child services to cnode.service and as such, when an action is taken against this service it's replicated to all child services. E.g running sudo systemctl start cnode.service will also start all child services.

Log output is handled by journald. journalctl -f -u <service> can be used to check service output (follow mode). Other logging configurations are not covered here.

Recommended workflow to get started with CNCLI blocklog.

  1. Install and deploy services according to Installation section.
  2. Set required user variables according to Configuration section.
  3. (optional) If a previous blocklog db exist created by cntoolsBlockCollector, run this command to migrate json storage to new SQLite DB:
  4. $CNODE_HOME/scripts/ migrate <path> where is the location to the directory containing all blocks_.json files.
  5. Start deployed services with:
  6. sudo systemctl start cnode-cncli-sync.service (starts leaderlog, validate & ptsendslots automatically)
  7. sudo systemctl start cnode-logmonitor.service
  8. sudo systemctl start cnode-cncli-ptsendtip.service (optional but recommended)
  9. alternatively restart the main service that will trigger a start of all services with:
  10. sudo systemctl restart cnode.service
  11. Run init command to fill the db with all blocks made by your pool known to the blockchain
  12. $CNODE_HOME/scripts/ init
  13. Enjoy full blocklog automation and visit View Blocklog section for instructions on how to show blocks from the blocklog DB.
Usage: [operation <sub arg>]
Script to run CNCLI, best launched through systemd deployed by ''

sync        Start CNCLI chainsync process that connects to cardano-node to sync blocks stored in SQLite DB (deployed as service)
leaderlog   One-time leader schedule calculation for current epoch, then continuously monitors and calculates schedule for coming epochs, 1.5 days before epoch boundary on the mainnet (deployed as service)
  force     Manually force leaderlog calculation and overwrite even if already done, exits after leaderlog is calculated
validate    Continuously monitor and confirm that the blocks made actually was accepted and adopted by chain (deployed as service)
  all       One-time re-validation of all blocks in blocklog db
  epoch     One-time re-validation of blocks in blocklog db for the specified epoch 
ptsendtip   Send node tip to PoolTool for network analysis and to show that your node is alive and well with a green badge (deployed as service)
ptsendslots Securely sends PoolTool the number of slots you have assigned for an epoch and validates the correctness of your past epochs (deployed as service)
init        One-time initialization adding all minted and confirmed blocks to blocklog
migrate     One-time migration from old blocklog (cntoolsBlockCollector) to new format (post cncli)
  path      Path to the old cntoolsBlockCollector blocklog folder holding json files with blocks created

View Blocklog⚓︎

Best and easiest viewed in CNTools and gLiveView but the blocklog database is a SQLite DB so if you are comfortable with SQL, the sqlite3 command can be used to query the DB.

Block status

- Leader    : Scheduled to make block at this slot
- Ideal     : Expected/Ideal number of blocks assigned based on active stake (sigma)
- Luck      : Leader slots assigned vs ideal slots for this epoch
- Adopted   : Block created successfully
- Confirmed : Block created validated to be on-chain with the certainty set in `` for `CONFIRM_BLOCK_CNT`
- Missed    : Scheduled at slot but no record of it in CNCLI DB and no other pool has made a block for this slot
- Ghosted   : Block created but marked as orphaned and no other pool has made a valid block for this slot -> height battle or block propagation issue
- Stolen    : Another pool has a valid block registered on-chain for the same slot
- Invalid   : Pool failed to create block, base64 encoded error message can be decoded with `echo <base64 hash> | base64 -d | jq -r`

Open CNTools and select [b] Blocks to open the block viewer.
Either select Epoch and enter the epoch you want to see a detailed view for or choose Summary to display blocks for last x epochs.

If the node was elected to create blocks in the selected epoch it could look something like this:

Current epoch: 96

| Epoch  | Leader | Ideal | Luck     | Adopted | Confirmed  | Missed | Ghosted | Stolen | Invalid  |
| 96     | 34     | 31.66 | 107.39%  | 18      | 18         | 0      | 0       | 0      | 0        |
| 95     | 32     | 30.57 | 104.68%  | 32      | 32         | 0      | 0       | 0      | 0        |

[h] Home | [b] Block View | [i] Info | [*] Refresh
Current epoch: 96

| Leader | Ideal | Luck     | Adopted | Confirmed  | Missed | Ghosted | Stolen | Invalid  |
| 34     | 31.66 | 107.39%  | 18      | 18         | 0      | 0       | 0      | 0        |

| #   | Status     | Block    | Slot | SlotInEpoch  | Scheduled At             | Size  | Hash                                                              |
| 1   | confirmed  | 2043444  | 11142827 | 40427    | 2020-11-16 08:34:03 CET  | 3     | ec216d3fb01e4a3cc3e85305145a31875d9561fa3bbcc6d0ee8297236dbb4115  |
| 2   | confirmed  | 2044321  | 11165082 | 62682    | 2020-11-16 14:44:58 CET  | 3     | b75c33a5bbe49a74e4b4cc5df4474398bfb10ed39531fc65ec2acc51f89ddce5  |
| 3   | confirmed  | 2044397  | 11166970 | 64570    | 2020-11-16 15:16:26 CET  | 3     | c1ea37fd72543779b6dab46e3e29e0e422784b5fd6188f828ace9eabcc87088f  |
| 4   | confirmed  | 2044879  | 11178909 | 76509    | 2020-11-16 18:35:25 CET  | 3     | 35a116cec80c5dc295415e4fc8e6435c562b14a5d6833027006c988706c60307  |
| 5   | confirmed  | 2046965  | 11232557 | 130157   | 2020-11-17 09:29:33 CET  | 3     | d566e5a1f6a3d78811acab4ae3bdcee6aa42717364f9afecd6cac5093559f466  |
| 6   | confirmed  | 2047101  | 11235675 | 133275   | 2020-11-17 10:21:31 CET  | 3     | 3a638e01f70ea1c4a660fe4e6333272e6c61b11cf84dc8a5a107b414d1e057eb  |
| 7   | confirmed  | 2047221  | 11238453 | 136053   | 2020-11-17 11:07:49 CET  | 3     | 843336f132961b94276603707751cdb9a1c2528b97100819ce47bc317af0a2d6  |
| 8   | confirmed  | 2048692  | 11273507 | 171107   | 2020-11-17 20:52:03 CET  | 3     | 9b3eb79fe07e8ebae163870c21ba30460e689b23768d2e5f8e7118c572c4df36  |
| 9   | confirmed  | 2049058  | 11282619 | 180219   | 2020-11-17 23:23:55 CET  | 3     | 643396ea9a1a2b6c66bb83bdc589fa19c8ae728d1f1181aab82e8dfe508d430a  |
| 10  | confirmed  | 2049321  | 11289237 | 186837   | 2020-11-18 01:14:13 CET  | 3     | d93d305a955f40b2298247d44e4bc27fe9e3d1486ef3ef3e73b235b25247ccd7  |
| 11  | confirmed  | 2049747  | 11299205 | 196805   | 2020-11-18 04:00:21 CET  | 3     | 19a43deb5014b14760c3e564b41027c5ee50e0a252abddbfcac90c8f56dc0245  |
| 12  | confirmed  | 2050415  | 11316075 | 213675   | 2020-11-18 08:41:31 CET  | 3     | dd2cb47653f3bfb3ccc8ffe76906e07d96f1384bafd57a872ddbab3b352403e3  |
| 13  | confirmed  | 2050505  | 11318274 | 215874   | 2020-11-18 09:18:10 CET  | 3     | deb834bc42360f8d39eefc5856bb6d7cabb6b04170c842dcbe7e9efdf9dbd2e1  |
| 14  | confirmed  | 2050613  | 11320754 | 218354   | 2020-11-18 09:59:30 CET  | 3     | bf094f6fde8e8c29f568a253201e4b92b078e9a1cad60706285e236a91ec95ff  |
| 15  | confirmed  | 2050807  | 11325239 | 222839   | 2020-11-18 11:14:15 CET  | 3     | 21f904346ba0fd2bb41afaae7d35977cb929d1d9727887f541782576fc6a62c9  |
| 16  | confirmed  | 2050997  | 11330062 | 227662   | 2020-11-18 12:34:38 CET  | 3     | 109799d686fe3cad13b156a2d446a544fde2bf5d0e8f157f688f1dc30f35e912  |
| 17  | confirmed  | 2051286  | 11336791 | 234391   | 2020-11-18 14:26:47 CET  | 3     | bb1beca7a1d849059110e3d7dc49ecf07b47970af2294fe73555ddfefb9561a8  |
| 18  | confirmed  | 2051734  | 11348498 | 246098   | 2020-11-18 17:41:54 CET  | 3     | 87940b53c2342999c1ba4e185038cda3d8382891a16878a865f5114f540683de  |
| 19  | leader     | -        | 11382001 | 279601   | 2020-11-19 03:00:17 CET  | -     | -                                                                 |
| 20  | leader     | -        | 11419959 | 317559   | 2020-11-19 13:32:55 CET  | -     | -                                                                 |
| 21  | leader     | -        | 11433174 | 330774   | 2020-11-19 17:13:10 CET  | -     | -                                                                 |
| 22  | leader     | -        | 11434241 | 331841   | 2020-11-19 17:30:57 CET  | -     | -                                                                 |
| 23  | leader     | -        | 11435289 | 332889   | 2020-11-19 17:48:25 CET  | -     | -                                                                 |
| 24  | leader     | -        | 11440314 | 337914   | 2020-11-19 19:12:10 CET  | -     | -                                                                 |
| 25  | leader     | -        | 11442361 | 339961   | 2020-11-19 19:46:17 CET  | -     | -                                                                 |
| 26  | leader     | -        | 11443861 | 341461   | 2020-11-19 20:11:17 CET  | -     | -                                                                 |
| 27  | leader     | -        | 11446997 | 344597   | 2020-11-19 21:03:33 CET  | -     | -                                                                 |
| 28  | leader     | -        | 11453110 | 350710   | 2020-11-19 22:45:26 CET  | -     | -                                                                 |
| 29  | leader     | -        | 11455323 | 352923   | 2020-11-19 23:22:19 CET  | -     | -                                                                 |
| 30  | leader     | -        | 11505987 | 403587   | 2020-11-20 13:26:43 CET  | -     | -                                                                 |
| 31  | leader     | -        | 11514983 | 412583   | 2020-11-20 15:56:39 CET  | -     | -                                                                 |
| 32  | leader     | -        | 11516010 | 413610   | 2020-11-20 16:13:46 CET  | -     | -                                                                 |
| 33  | leader     | -        | 11518958 | 416558   | 2020-11-20 17:02:54 CET  | -     | -                                                                 |
| 34  | leader     | -        | 11533254 | 430854   | 2020-11-20 21:01:10 CET  | -     | -                                                                 |

Currently shows a block summary for current epoch. For full block details use CNTools for now. Invalid, missing, ghosted and stolen blocks only shown in case of a non-zero value.

│ BLOCKS   Leader  | Ideal  | Luck    | Adopted | Confirmed    │
│          24        27.42    87.53%    1         1            │
│          08:07:57 until leader XXXXXXXXX.....................│