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How to run a Cardano Node with Docker⚓︎

With this quick guide you will be able to run a cardano node in seconds and also have the powerfull Koios SPO scripts built-in.

How to operate interactively within the container⚓︎

Once executed the container as a deamon with attached tty you are then able to enter the container by using the flag -dit .

While if you have a hook within the container console, use the following command (change CN with your container name):

docker exec -it CN bash 

This command will bring you within the container bash env ready to use the Koios tools.

Docker flags explained⚓︎

"docker build" options explained:
 -t : option is to "tag" the image you can name the image as you prefer as long as you maintain the references between dockerfiles.

"docker run" options explained:
 -d : for detach the container
 -i : interactive enabled 
 -t : terminal session enabled
 -e : set an Env Variable
 -p : set exposed ports (by default if not specified the ports will be reachable only internally)
 --hostname : Container's hostname
 --name : Container's name

Custom container with your own cfg⚓︎

docker run --init -itd  
-name Relay                                   # Optional (recommended for quick access): set a name for your newly created container.
-p 9000:6000                                  # Optional: to expose the internal container's port (6000) to the host <IP> port 9000
-e NETWORK=mainnet                            # Mandatory: mainnet / preprod / guild-mainnet / guild
--security-opt=no-new-privileges              # Option to prevent privilege escalations
-v <YourNetPath>:/opt/cardano/cnode/sockets   # Optional: useful to share the node socket with other containers
-v <YourCfgPath>:/opt/cardano/cnode/priv      # Optional: if used has to contain all the sensitive keys needed to run a node as core
-v <YourDBbk>:/opt/cardano/cnode/db           # Optional: if not set a fresh DB will be downloaded from scratch
cardanocommunity/cardano-node:latest          # Mandatory: image to run


To be able to use the CNTools encryption key feature you need to manually change in "cntools.config" ENABLE_CHATTR to "true" and not use the --security-opt=no-new-privileges docker run option.

Docker CLI managment⚓︎


  • docker inspect
  • docker ps
  • docker ls
  • docker stop

Un-Official Docker managment cli tool⚓︎

Docker backups and restores⚓︎

The docker container has an optional backup and restore functionality that can be used to backup the /opt/cardano/cnode/db directory. To have the backup persist longer than the countainer, the backup directory should be mounted as a volume.

[!NOTE] The backup and restore functionality is disabled by default.

[!WARNING] Make sure adequate space exists on the host as the backup will double the space consumed by the database.

Creating a Backup⚓︎

When the container is started with the ENABLE_BACKUP environment variable set to Y the container will automatically create a backup in the /opt/cardano/cnode/backup/$NETWORK-db directory. The backup will be created when the container is started and if the backup directory is smaller than the db directory.

Restoring from a Backup⚓︎

When the container is started with the ENABLE_RESTORE environment variable set to Y the container will automatically restore the latest backup from the /opt/cardano/cnode/backup/$NETWORK-db directory. The database will be restored when the container is started and if the backup directory is larger than the db directory.