Skip to content is a bash script for managing the Mithril Signer Server. It provides functionalities such as deploying the server as a systemd service and updating the environment file to contain variables specific to the Mithril Signer.


Usage: [-d] [-u]

    -d    Deploy mithril-signer as a systemd service
    -u    Update mithril environment file
    -h    Show this help text


This script is a bash script for managing the Mithril Signer Server. It provides functionalities such as deploying the server as a systemd service, updating the environment file, and running the server.

Environment Variables⚓︎

The script uses several environment variables, some of which are:

  • MITHRILBIN: Path for mithril-signer binary, if not in $PATH.
  • HOSTADDR: Default Listen IP/Hostname for Mithril Signer Server.
  • POOL_NAME: The name of the pool.
  • NETWORK_NAME: The name of the network.


The script parses command line options, sources the environment file, sets default values, and performs basic sanity checks. It then checks if the -d or -u options were specified and performs the corresponding actions. If no options were specified, it runs the Mithril Signer Server.